This notion can be said as the worthy son of an illustrious father. The onslaught of globalization has infused a new sense of zeal among the youngsters and more and more young ones ranging from the topmost students down to the youth of the grass root level in the rural sector, are coming up to set up their own business enterprises. In this regard, Aditya Mittal can be regarded as the role model for this young generation who following the footsteps of his father has engaged himself towards the elevation of their business enterprise.

Being nurtured in an acute professional yet conservative family from the early childhood he was naturally inclined to the aspect of business. By virtue of education he has a Bachelor's Degree in the stream of Science in Economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in the United States of America, from which he graduated in the year 1996 on magna cum laude. It Is said the his profesional foundation happened when he worked for a brief peiod in the mergers and acquisitions
department at the well known investment bank named the Credit Suisse First Boston. Being quite proficient in the art of daily transaction he made up his mind to leave the job and join the family business in the year 1997. He was designated as the Head of the Department of Mergers and Acquisitions in 1999. He perfectly gratified the aspiration of the Company in this role and became the key member in spearheading the drive of the acquisition strategy that resulted in the rapid and swift expansion of the Mittal Steel into the regions of the Central Europe, Africa and in the United States of America in the recent days. It is this amazing speed that has led the emergence of the Mittal Steel as the world's largest and most global steel producer enhancing its steel making capacities vehemently. These acquisitions included Polskie Huty Stali in Poland, Nova Hut in Czech Republic, Sidex in Romania, Annaba in Algeria, Iscor in South Africa, and International Steel Group in the US.
Thus he has been involved in several purchases since then and it is in this specific period the Mittal Steel has played a major role in the consolidation of the global steel industry or better to say by the effective family leadership has accomplished the aspirations that were longed for years, demonstarting the suffcient potential of the Indian business class.

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